
How To Take Standard Deviation In Excel

Excel is used extensively for statistics and data analysis. Standard departure is something that is used quite often in statistical calculations.

In this tutorial, I will testify you lot how to calculate the standard deviation in Excel (using simple formulas)

Just before getting into, permit me rapidly give you a brief overview of what standard deviation is and how it'due south used.

What is Standard Divergence?

A standard deviation value would tell yous how much the data prepare deviates from the mean of the data set.

For example, suppose you have a group of fifty people, and yous are recording their weight (in kgs).

In this data set, the boilerplate weight is 60 kg, and the standard deviation is iv kg. Information technology means that most of the people's weight is within 4 kg of the average weight (which would be 56-64 kg).

Now let's interpret the standard deviation value:

  • A lower value indicates that the information points tend to be closer to the boilerplate (hateful) value.
  • A higher value indicates that there is widespread variation in the data points. This can also be a instance when there are many outliers in the data set.

Standard Deviation in Excel- Bell Curve

Calculating Standard Difference in Excel

While it'due south easy to calculate the standard deviation, you demand to know which formula to apply in Excel.

There are six standard deviation formulas in Excel (8 if you lot consider database functions equally well).

there are eight standard deviation functions in Excel

These 6 formulas can be divided into two groups:

  1. Calculating the sample standard deviation: The formulas in this category are STDEV.Southward, STDEVA, and STDEV
  2. Calculating the standard deviation for an entire population: The formulas in this category are STDEV.P, STDEVPA, and STDEVP

In well-nigh all of the cases, yous volition use standard deviation for a sample.

Once again in layman terms, you use the term 'population' when you want to consider all the datasets in the entire population. On the other paw, you lot use term 'sample' when using a population is not possible (or it's unrealistic to do and then). In such a example, yous pick a sample from the population.

You lot can use the sample data to calculate the standard deviation and infer for the entire population. Y'all can read a great explanation of it here (read the first response).

So. this narrows down the number of formulas to three (STDEV.S, STDEVA, and STDEV function)

At present permit's sympathise these three formulas:

  • STDEV.Due south – Use this when your data is numeric. It ignores the text and logical values.
  • STDEVA – Use this when you desire to include text and logical values in the adding (forth with numbers). Text and FALSE are taken as 0 and TRUE is taken as one.
  • STDEV – STDEV.S was introduced in Excel 2010. Earlier it, the STDEV function was used. It is still included for compatibility with prior versions.

So, yous can safely assume that in most of the cases, you would accept to use STDEV.S function (or STDEV function if you're using Excel 2007 or prior versions).

So now let's see how to use it in Excel.

Using STDEV.S Function in Excel

As mentioned, STDEV.S office uses numerical values only ignores the text and logical values.

Here is the syntax of STDEV.South function:


  • Number1 – This is a mandatory argument in the formula. The kickoff number argument corresponds to the first element of the sample of a population. You tin also use a named range, single array, or a reference to an array instead of arguments separated by commas.
  • Number2, … [Optional statement in the formula] You tin can use up to 254 boosted arguments. These can refer to a data signal, a named range, a single array, or a reference to an array.

Now, let's have a look at a uncomplicated case where we calculate the standard difference.

Example – Calculating the Standard Deviation for Weight Information

Suppose you have a information ready as shown below:

Weight Data to Calculate Standard Deviation in Excel

To calculate the standard divergence using this information ready, use the post-obit formula:

=STDEV.Due south(A2:A10)

In case you're using Excel 2007 or prior versions, you volition not have the STDEV.S part. In that instance, yous tin use the beneath formula:


Using STDEVS function to find deviation in weight


The to a higher place formula returns the value of 2.81, which indicates that most of the people in the group would be inside the weight range 69.two-2.81 and 69.2+ii.81.

Note that when I say 'near of the people', information technology refers to the normal distribution of the sample (that is 68% of the sample population is inside 1 standard deviation from the mean).

Also, note that this is a very pocket-sized sample set up. In reality, you may have to practice this for a bigger sample data ready where you lot tin can observe normal distribution better.

Hope you found this Excel tutorial useful.

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