
How To Delete Pivot Table In Excel

Delete Pivot Table in Excel

Excel Delete Pivot Table(Table of Contents)

  • Delete Pin Tabular array in Excel
  • How to Delete a Pivot Table in Excel?

Delete Pin Tabular array in Excel

To delete any pin table in excel, select the pivot table beginning. This volition activate the Blueprint and Analyze bill of fare tabs. Go to Analyze menu tab; from the drib-downwards of the Select option, select Entire Pivot Table. This volition actually volition select the entire pivot table information, whereas if you lot printing Ctrl + A, which would not piece of work on Pivot Tabular array. Now just press Delete or select delete from right-click card list to completely delete the pivot table.

We usually see the default pivot table, equally shown in the below image.

Delete pivot table

According to our wish, a typical pin table includes Pin Table Fields to drag and drop the headings of the data to our fields. Typically, we can remove the excel pivot table from the worksheet in 2 means. Follow this article to acquire 1 by one.

I volition offset by applying the pin table. You tin can download this workbook to practice along with me to go practical experience on the go. I have sales data country-wise, which includes many other fields, but I am considering just two columns, i.e. Country and Units Sold.

Delete Pivot Table Step 1-1

Data is there from the range A1 to H701. I need to summarise the information, what are the total units sold by country-wise. Permit us start the process of applying a pin table.

  • Select the entire data to the range, i.e. A1:H701.
  • Go to insert and click on the Pivot Table.

Delete Pivot Table Step 1-2

  • In one case you click on this, it will insert a new worksheet.

Delete Pivot Table Step 1-3

  • Elevate and drop Country heading to ROWS and Units sold to VALUES.

Delete Pivot Table Step 1-4

  • At present your summarised should exist like this.


How to Delete a Pin Table in Excel?

It is very simple and easy to use. Allow us empathise the working of Deleting the Pivot Table in Excel by some Methods.

You can download this Delete Pivot Table Excel Template here – Delete Pivot Table Excel Template

Method #1 – Remove the pin tabular array past re-create and paste as values

At present I can remove or delete the excel pivot table in ii ways.

Pace ane: Select the pivot table range.

Delete Pivot Table Step 2

Step We can select the pivot table like this too. Place a cursor inside the pivot tabular array > Become to Options > Select > Entire Pin Table.

Select Entire Pivot Table

Footstep ii: Once the entire pin tabular array is selected, press Ctrl + C to copy the information.

Press Ctrl + C

Stride 3: One time you copied the pin table, do not change your cursor. Press ALT + E + S; this would open the Paste Special dialogue box instantly. Select Values from here and Click Ok.

Select Values

Step 4: At present, pivot table data is pasted as values. An Excel pin tabular array is removed.

Delete Pivot Table Step 2-4

If you observe all the formatting like background color, font mode, font proper noun, and even the pivot table fields are removed from the list in excel.

Method #2 – Remove the pivot table by using Clear Option

Step 1: Select the pin table range.

Delete Pivot Table Step 3

Step We can select the pivot table like this besides. Identify a cursor inside the pin table > Go to Options> Select > Entire Pin Table.

Delete Pivot Table Step 3-1

Step ii: Once yous have selected the pivot table range, y'all click on the delete choice to delete or remove the excel pin table.

Step 2.ane: Once you take selected the pivot table range, go to Options > Articulate > Clear All.

Delete Pivot Table Step 3-2

This will remove only the existing pin table fields, but the actual canvass with pin table options to drag and drib remains the aforementioned.

Delete Pivot Table Step 3-3

Ok, in these two methods, we tin can remove the excel pivot table.

Method #three – Delete All Pin Tables in I Shot

We take learned the piece of cake way of removing or deleting the pivot tabular array in Excel. But the problem is deleting many pivot tables in a workbook is not that easy.

Nosotros demand VBA code to remove the pin tabular array. I have already written the VBA code to delete all the existing pivot tables in the workbook.

Re-create and paste the below lawmaking to your VBA module and save the workbook as a macro-enabled workbook.

Sub DeleteAllPivotTables()
Dim Wb Equally Workbook, Ws Every bit Worksheet, Pt As PivotTable
If MsgBox("Exercise you lot desire to delete all the pin tables?", _
vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, "DELETE ALL?") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
On Error Resume Side by side
For Each Ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
For Each Pt In Ws.PivotTables
Ws.Range(Pt.TableRange2.Accost).Delete Shift:=xlUp
Next Pt
Next Ws
Cease Sub

Stride 1: Open the VBA editor by pressing ALT + F11.

VBA editor

Footstep 2: Become to Insert > Module.


Step 3: Once the module is inserted, re-create and paste the above lawmaking and save the workbook as a macro-enabled workbook.

Copy and paste code

Things to Remember

  • We tin can remove the excel pivot table and pin worksheet every bit well.
  • In one case the excel pivot table is removed by using VBA code, we cannot undo the activeness, so it is rubber to accept a backup copy.
  • One time the excel pin table is removed, any changes in the database volition not reverberate on the removed field.

Recommended Articles

This has been a guide to Delete Pivot Table in Excel. Here we hash out how to Delete or Remove Pivot Tabular array in Excel with three different Methods and a downloadable excel template. You tin can also go through our other suggested articles –

  1. Pivot Table Formula in Excel
  2. Excel Pin Nautical chart
  3. Excel Conditional Formatting in Pivot Table
  4. VBA Pivot Tabular array


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